FOR ADMISSIONS : 9900269745 | NAAC B++

Student Grievance Redressal Committee

The following committee for the redressal of the problems reported by the students

Sl. No Role Designation Name
1 Welfare Officer HOD, AI& ML Dr. Deepika Lokesh
2 Members Three senior members of the teaching faculty and out of three one member shall be female and other from SC/ST/OBC category Prof. Sujani G (Asso. Prof., EC)

Prof. Narayan Swamy H (Asso. Prof., AI)

Prof. Vedavathi. R P (AP, CV)

Prof. Shwetha B (AP, CS)

Prof. Lalitha. MS (AP, CS)

Prof. Bindu M (AP, AI)

Prof. Smitha R (AP, CV)

3 Stakeholder Student Representative Mr. Narayanaswamy, VI sem (AI)
Frequency of the meeting Minimum of twice in a year and as and when required based on the grievances reported.


Functions and Responsibilities

  1. To receive written complaints from both students concerning the system.
  2. To establish and put into action a system for addressing the reported complaints.
  3. To forward the results to the Management when deemed necessary for subsequent actions.
  4. To listen to, record, and investigate grievances from staff and students promptly and thoroughly, and take the necessary actions.
  5. To forward grievances to the relevant department, such as maintenance, transportation, academics.
  6. To conduct regular follow-ups on these issues until they are ultimately resolved.
  7. To keep the grievances confidential, if necessary.


To support, educate and create awareness among the students by redressing their problems offered by the college with an impartial and fair approach.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Student Grievance Redressal Committee

1.     Awareness about the committee shall be created among the students and staff.

2.     The necessary measures for prevention of grievances inside and outside the college campus can be taken.

3.     The students may feel free to put up a grievance in the format attached and drop it in boxes placed at conspicuous locations.

4.     The committee will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents.

  1. The convener of the committee can also forward the complaint to next level of investigation for a satisfactory resolution.
  2. The committee will conduct biannual meeting or as and when required based on the grievances reported.
  3. At the end of the academic year the annual report and action taken report are to be submitted to IQAC.

Minutes of meeting Procedure

  1. All meetings shall be convened by the chairperson/convener with prior notice to all committee members.
  2. Minutes of meeting will be noted down by the convener and same will be discussed with committee members.
  3. It is compulsory for the members to attend the meeting.
  4. Maintenance of necessary records of the committee in a file: Notice/Photos/Statistical data /Minutes of meeting/Prepare brief report on events.
  5. Meeting: The Committee should meet at least once in every semester.
  6. Quorum:The quorum for the meeting shall be two-thirds of the total number of members.
  7. Record Keeping: The agenda, minutes of meeting and Action Taken Reports are to be documented with official signatures and maintained in a register and electronically in a retrievable format (scanned copy).
  8. Reporting:A copy of the same will be submitted to the IQAC of the college for preparation of various reports of IQAC.

Get in touch

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