FOR ADMISSIONS : 9900269745 | NAAC B++

Research and Development (R&D) Cell

The following Committee to plan and promote, evaluate the R & D activities at the institute level.

Sl. No. Role Designation Name
1 Convener HOD, CSE Dr. Vasudeva R
2 Members Faculty from Various Departments Prof. Sukumar B S (AP, EC)

Prof. GM Jagadish Kumar (AP, EC)

Prof. Kavitha. KN (AP, CS)

Prof. Vedavathi R P (AP, CV)

Prof. Sathish M S (Asso. Prof , ME)

Prof. Swathi J A (AP, CS)

Frequency of the meeting Once in a year or as and when required

Functions and Responsibilities

  1. To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry or government organizations.
  2. To arrange talks and interactions by eminent personalities from Industry, R & D organization and institutions of repute; for the better understanding of research methodology and practices currently followed.
  3. To suggest peer reviewed national and international journals for subscription in the central library.
  4. To develop research proposals for up-gradation of laboratories through AICTE/UGC/MHRD/NMU funding opportunities.
  5. To encourage students and faculty to apply for Value added courses, patent or other Intellectual Property Rights.
  6. To plan for conduction of national conferences/seminar/symposium/workshop etc.
  7. To allocate budget for conducting workshops, training programs, seminars, conferences, FDPs/MDPs and for the staff who are attending workshops, conferences outside the institute.
  8. To create awareness about filing Patents & IPR.


To develop research proposals in the institute for up-gradation of teaching faculty and Laboratory through AICTE/UGC/MHRD/NMU funding opportunities

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for R&D cell

  1. The committee oversees the smooth and efficient coordination of research and development activities in the Institute, thus fostering overall growth.
  2. The Cell shall provide research guidance to the research scholars of the college as well as from outside.
  3. If scholars want an expert advice, guide related to the relevant topic will be arranged by the Cell.
  4. Internal guides/teachers are motivated to go and take training sessions outside the college with prior consultation to Principal.
  5. To motivate students for presenting papers in National and International conferences and projects in competitions and exhibitions at inter college/university level.
  6. Organize innovative based events by seeking permission and send the same to the IQAC for approval.
  7. At the end of the academic year the annual report and action taken report are to be submitted to IQAC


Minutes of meeting Procedure

  1. All meetings shall be convened by the chairperson/convener with prior notice to all committee members.
  2. Minutes of meeting will be noted down by the convener and same will be discussed with committee members.
  3. It is compulsory for the members to attend the meeting.
  4. Maintenance of necessary records of the committee in a file: Notice/Photos/Statistical data /Minutes of meeting/Prepare brief report on events.
  5. Meeting: The Committee should meet at least once in every semester.
  6. Quorum:The quorum for the meeting shall be two-thirds of the total number of members.
  7. Record Keeping: The agenda, minutes of meeting and Action Taken Reports are to be documented with official signatures and maintained in a register and electronically in a retrievable format (scanned copy).
  8. Reporting:A copy of the same will be submitted to the IQAC of the college for preparation of various reports of IQAC.

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