FOR ADMISSIONS : 9900269745 | NAAC B++

Alumni Cell

The undersigned is pleased to constitute with the following members for Academic year 2023-24 to avail alumni network of CBIT and to manage its associated activities.

Sl. No. Role Designation Name
1 Convener HOD, Civil Engineering Dr. Shivaraju R
2 Members Faculty Member of various departments Prof. Bhanuprakash (HOD, PE)

Prof. Narayanaswamy. H (Asso. Prof, AI)

Prof. Smitha R (AP, CV)

Prof. Kavya S (AP, EC)

Prof. Chowda Reddy C (AP, ME)

Prof. Pruthvi M N (AP, PE)

Prof. Sarika. C.G (AP, CG)

Frequency of the meeting Twice in a year


Functions and Responsibilities

  1. Maintaining the updated and current information of all CBIT Alumni
  2. To encourage, foster and promote strong relations among institution, students and alumni.
  3. To exchange professional knowledge, organize technical talks, seminars, workshops, training courses and career development programs.
  4. To nurture entrepreneur quality among students and alumni by establishing network with successful alumni entrepreneurs.
  5. To create interest and motivate the alumni to participate in the progress of the Institute and make them contribute towards the enhancement of their Alma mater.
  6. Alumni Association Membership registration and empanel themselves to the Alumni Association to grow.
  7. To communicate on regular basis with the members of the Alumni.


CBIT aspires to inculcate qualities such as sportsmanship, team spirit and bonding in students that to improve physical ability and skills.

Standard Operating Procedure for Alumni Cell

  1. Circulates the details of alumni to the present students for their benefit.
  2. Invites the Alumni in good professional position for guest lecturers under discussions with HOD.
  3. Host a website for online registration of Alumni.
  4. Forwards information through E-News Letter and update the early calendar of events.
  5. Receives suggestions from the Alumni through e-mail regarding the need for curriculum updating, Lab up gradation.
  6. Collects funds to develop Library / Equipment / Computer centers, Buildings etc.
  7. At the end of the academic year the annual & action taken report are to be submitted to IQAC.

Minutes of meeting Procedure

  1. All meetings shall be convened by the chairperson/convener with prior notice to all committee members.
  2. Minutes of meeting will be noted down by the convener and same will be discussed with committee members.
  3. It is compulsory for the members to attend the meeting.
  4. Maintenance of necessary records of the committee in a file: Notice/Photos/Statistical data /Minutes of meeting/Prepare brief report on events.
  5. Meeting: The Committee should meet at least once in every semester.
  6. Quorum:The quorum for the meeting shall be two-thirds of the total number of members.
  7. Record Keeping: The agenda, minutes of meeting and Action Taken Reports are to be documented with official signatures and maintained in a register and electronically in a retrievable format (scanned copy).
  8. Reporting:A copy of the same will be submitted to the IQAC of the college for preparation of various reports of IQAC.

Get in touch

Please send your messages, we will get back to you as soon as possible