FOR ADMISSIONS : 9900269745 | NAAC B++

Academic Council Committee

The following Committee to monitor all the Administrative, Academic Research and Extension activities of the Institute

Sl. No. Role Designation Name
1 Coordinator Coordinator Dr. Aprameyan S (HOD, ME)
2 Members HoDs of all Departments

Prof/Assistant Professors

Dr. Shivaraju R (HOD, CV)

Dr. Vasudeva R (HOD, CS)

Dr. Venkatesh G K (HOD, EC)

Dr. Deepika Lokesh (HOD, AI)

Prof. Easwara M (EC, NAAC Coordinator)

Prof. Bhanuprakash (HOD, PE)

Prof. Monish N V (AP/CV)

Prof. Kavitha N (AP/CS)

Mr. Shivakumar M (O.S)

Frequency of the meeting Minimum once in a semester and as and when required


Functions and Responsibilities

  1. Propose the academic requirements (Theory, Laboratory and Examination related) of each Department.
  2. Sets the academic calendar of the institution based on the academic calendar of VTU.
  3. Appointing teaching faculty and inviting experts from outside the institute.
  4. Scheduling and Review of various academic activities.
  5. Plan remedial classes for slow learners.
  6. To review student’s attendance /malpractices in examinations.
  7. To oversee the internal examinations/ evaluation/ recording.


To translate the policy decisions of the management and guidelines issued by the Institute and university into implementable activities and follows up with their execution.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Academic Council Committee

  1. To advise the Governing Cell on all academic matters
  2. The Academic Council shall be responsible for the maintenance of the standards of teaching, examinations and evaluation process within the campus.
  3. To maintain a record of all documents produced for and as an outcome of these meetings including new syllabi, modifications or additions made to existing syllabi.
  4. Ensure that meetings are conducted as per the regulations provided by central UGC/VTU/AICTE.
  5. Ensure preparation of annual reports of the college inclusive of academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the college for record keeping as well as preparation of Progress Report of the college to be sent to UGC/AICTE annually.
  6. To track and help implement all new directives/regulations issued by VTU/UGC from time to time.
  7. At the end of the academic year the annual report and action taken report are to be submitted to IQAC.

Minutes of meeting Procedure

  1. All meetings shall be convened by the chairperson/convener with prior notice to all committee members.
  2. Minutes of meeting will be noted down by the convener and same will be discussed with committee members.
  3. It is compulsory for the members to attend the meeting.
  4. Maintenance of necessary records of the committee in a file: Notice/Photos/Statistical data /Minutes of meeting/Prepare brief report on events.
  5. Meeting: The Committee should meet at least once in every semester.
  6. Quorum:The quorum for the meeting shall be two-thirds of the total number of members.
  7. Record Keeping: The agenda, minutes of meeting and Action Taken Reports are to be documented with official signatures and maintained in a register and electronically in a retrievable format (scanned copy).
  8. Reporting:A copy of the same will be submitted to the IQAC of the college for preparation of various reports of IQAC.

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