FOR ADMISSIONS : 9900269745 / 8660712181

Grants Received

Academic Year: 2023 to 2024



Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs Name of the Funding Agency Name and Department of the Principal Investigator Names and Department of the Co-Investigator Status Amount Sanctioned

in Rs

1 Stabilization Of Lithomergic Soil Using Cement and Waste Sheed Tyre Chips KSCST Prof. Vedavathi R P Dr. Shivaraju R Completed 5000

Academic Year: 2022 to 2023



Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs Name of the Funding Agency Name and Department of the Principal Investigator Names and Department of the Co-Investigator Status Amount Sanctioned

in Rs

1 Piezoelectrical Smart Road KSCST Prof. Narayana Swamy K A NA Completed 5000
2 Experimental Analysis on Properties of Clay Brick by Partial Replacement by Stone Dust KSCST Dr. SHIVARAJU R Prof. Narayana Swamy K A Completed 5000
3 Design Of Smart Mirror Using Raspberry Pi KSCST Prof. AMALA M NA Completed 5000
4 Smart Wearable Visual Guidance for Blind using ML KSCST Prof. Kavitha N Mr. Vasudeva R Completed 4000
5 An IOT System for Real time Monitoring and Controlling waste water KSCST Prof. Sumarani H NA Completed 4000


Academic Year: 2021 to 2022



Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs Name of the Funding Agency Name and Department of the Principal Investigator Names and Department of the Co-Investigator Status Amount Sanctioned

in Rs

1 Design and fabrication of solar powered dual side pesticide sprayer using scotch yoke mechanism. KSCST Mr. Sandeep SN  

Mr. Gowtham MJ

completed 10000

Design and development of super electric motorbike


KSCST Mr. Chowda

Reddy. C

———— completed 10000
3 Hybrid Medicine Dispensing Robo with Patient health Monitoring for COVID Centers KSCST Prof. Amala M Prof. Chethan Kumar N S Completed 7000
4 Robotic nurse KSCST  


Kavitha N


Prof. Vasudeva R Completed 6000
5 Smart governance through big data digital transformation of public agencies KSCST Dr S N Chandrashekara


Vasudeva R Completed 5000


Academic Year: 2020 to 2021



Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs Name of the Funding Agency Name and Department of the Principal Investigator Names and Department of the Co-Investigator Status Amount Sanctioned

in Rs

1 Design and Fabrication of Vent plura KSCST Mr. Sandeep SN Mr. Gowtham MJ completed 7000
2 A High performance Glucoma Screening Technique Using CNN Architechture KSCST Prof. Chethan Kumar N S NA Completed 5000


Academic Year: 2019 to 2020



Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs Name of the Funding Agency Name and Department of the Principal Investigator Names and Department of the Co-Investigator Status Amount Sanctioned

in Rs

1 DST NIMAT – EAC NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi Prof. Sukumar B S NA Completed 40000
2 Plastic Bottle Shredder for Garbage Management System using IOT KSCST Dr G K Venkatesh          NA Completed 6000
3 IOT Based Project on Forest Monitoring System KSCST Mr Vasudeva R          NA Completed 5000
.4 Semi-Automatic Train Coupling KSCST Mr. Srinath K M Mr. Gowtham M J Completed 7500
5 Low power and long-distance communication system using DTCDWT based OFDM for Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV)” VGST Research Grant Dr. Sreerama Reddy G M NA Under Progress 20,00,000





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